ConcernCenter for Amazon Alexa2023-10-13T10:54:52+00:00

A New Way to Get Connected to Support

Meet students where they're at by allowing them to easily tell Alexa their concerns and receive helpful resources. Any organization that uses ConcernCenter can request the Alexa skill for a one-time fee of $1,500.

Features include:

  • Convenient access through mobile phone or Amazon Echo®
  • Anonymous searching for students' protection
  • Therapist-created scripts for highly sensitive concerns
  • Ability to immediately connect with emergency services

Try the ConcernCenter Amazon Alexa Demo

Hear how ConcernCenter works on Alexa — for free! Simply say, “Alexa, open ConcernCenter Demo,” from any Alexa device, or “Open ConcernCenter demo” from the Alexa mobile app. You'll get an interactive demonstration of how convenient and easy it is for your students to use.

Hosted on AWS

Because Every Second Counts

Two minutes is all you may get to provide people with the help they need before they give up, stop searching, and leave their concern unresolved – potentially leading to more issues. ConcernCenter chose Amazon Web Services (AWS) as the host for all of our platforms for its consistency, exceptional up-time, and ability to handle substantial user traffic 24/7/365.

Customers who trust AWS can also trust ConcernCenter, knowing that precision, exceptional service, and quality care are core tenants of both solutions.

Dynamic Resource Information Generation

Efficient, scalable data base services to help us deliver personalized resources for specific concerns quickly and efficiently.

Secure and Anonymous Searching

AWS Certificate Manager and AWS Elastic allows us to secure and protect the anonymity of inbound and outbound traffic while ensuring network stability.

What problem does ConcernCenter solve?2023-01-31T05:00:19+00:00

When people need support resources and have a hard time finding the help that they need, they may disengage, stop looking for options, give up, or let a problem get bigger. Bigger problems are not only more costly, they’re also harder to manage and deescalate.

How does ConcernCenter solve this problem?2023-01-31T05:06:43+00:00

ConcernCenter sells fully customized, organization-specific resource platforms that pair common user concerns with pre-loaded resources. Resources can be people, offices, videos, text lines, PDF documents or more.

How is ConcernCenter different?2023-01-31T05:07:44+00:00

Our user-friendly search capabilities only require the customer to know why they are struggling, not what resources they need. In addition, ConcernCenter places the organization as a trusted adviser with unique information about which resources can support their customers most common problems.

Where has ConcernCenter been successful?2023-01-31T05:07:59+00:00

ConcernCenter’s four platform options are in use in colleges and universities, non-profits, K12 school districts, government agencies, and businesses. Any organization that 1) has resources and 2) can identify common concerns their users may experience would benefit from ConcernCenter’s solution.

How does an organization get started?2023-01-31T05:08:18+00:00

Interested organizations can view a demo, watch a promotional video, or simply request a price quote on our website. We look forward to working with you.

Choose ConcernCenter solutions on AWS

Visit AWS Marketplace or AWS Partner website to purchase today.

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